As far back as I can remember growing up my parents told me, "you can do anything you put your mind to. Don't you ever let anyone tell you you can't do something!" There was so much encouragement and positive reinforcement from my parents. I knew I could trust them and have always believed that about myself thanks to them. I love you mom and dad!!!!! My Grannie taught me to sew on a machine that had a pedal and a wheel to make it go when I was 9 years old. Like this one:

Sadly, I didn't keep it up all these years. It just wasn't a big thing at that time like it is now. So when I decided 4 years ago to give it another shot I went to the fabric store to start my stash. I found some great thermal fabrics on sale for $3 a yard and got some. Aren't they so cute?!!!
The lady cutting it for me asked what I was making and I told her I was going to try a shirt for my daughter. The town I live in isn't very large and she knew I wasn't a regular. She said, "are you sure? That sounds hard. Thermals are hard to sew with." Now I'm not a competitive person but I could hear my mom saying to me, you can do anything you put your mind to. Don't you let anyone tell you you can't do something!!! I decided that day that I was never going to turn down a sewing job just because I had never done it before. So I got my first custom order the other day and it was FULL of firsts. I was nervous for sure.
Sadly, I didn't keep it up all these years. It just wasn't a big thing at that time like it is now. So when I decided 4 years ago to give it another shot I went to the fabric store to start my stash. I found some great thermal fabrics on sale for $3 a yard and got some. Aren't they so cute?!!!
The lady cutting it for me asked what I was making and I told her I was going to try a shirt for my daughter. The town I live in isn't very large and she knew I wasn't a regular. She said, "are you sure? That sounds hard. Thermals are hard to sew with." Now I'm not a competitive person but I could hear my mom saying to me, you can do anything you put your mind to. Don't you let anyone tell you you can't do something!!! I decided that day that I was never going to turn down a sewing job just because I had never done it before. So I got my first custom order the other day and it was FULL of firsts. I was nervous for sure.
I've never made a shirt. I've made a dress that of course had a top part to it :), but never just a shirt. . . with a lining. . .and a ric rac trim sewn into the seam. But my momma told me I can do whatever I put my mind to so I did! Thankfully I've saved a bunch of my daughter's clothes from when she was a baby for a quilt someday so I grabbed an 18-24 mo shirt and drafted a pattern. There's lots of tutorials online on how to do that so I won't bore you. It wasn't quite as challenging as I thought it would be to sew in the ric rac, just time consuming pinning it all. But I did it! And the lining wasn't that hard either. What did throw me for a loop was the pants that I've made 7 times already using this great pattern from Fleece Fun. I guess because it was gingham fabric and not fleece but I could not get the leg lengths to match up!!! After another date with Mr. Seam Ripper (I need to name him) I worked it out and here's the finished product:
Sorry for the not great pic. I have a much better one on my camera but stinkin' blogger won't let me upload it so I had to take it with my webcam. I am very happy with how it turned out and hope that my customer, Jamie, will love it!!! Happy Saturday everyone!
Linking up to Tatertots and Jello today!