Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Items in the Shop!

On Mondays and Fridays I volunteer at my son's school.  He's in the 1st grade and they work really hard on getting these kids reading so I listen while the kids read their AR books to me and then they take a test.  It's so fun to put names with faces of the kids my son talks about.  It's right smack dab in the middle of my day so it kind of puts a kink in my blogging/sewing/Etsy stuff.  I'm trying to revamp my schedule some so I can do more of the latter.  Yesterday I was finally able to sew the 5 sizes of denim ruffle pants that I wanted to get in the shop.

I don't know if you can really tell from the pic but one leg is inside out.  I had already had my coffee so I'm not sure what I was thinking.  :)  Thank God for these:

Oh seam ripper how I love thee! 
Here are the finished products in the shop now!!
My preacher's wife and I are hosting a craft fair at our church in November.  I am sooooo excited to have a booth and try to make some new customers!  It will be my first time doing this so I'm nervous as all get out.  I have a board on Pinterest called "For My Someday Business."  I remember when I started it thinking that someday was so far away.  Well, now it's here and I can hardly believe it!  I guess I should retitle the board "For My Right Now Business!"  LOL!!  For those of you who have done a craft fair what would your best piece of advice be?

Linking up at these great parties:  Lil' Luna, Primp, Ginger Snap Crafts, Crayon Freckles


  1. Those are really cute! Great for Fall. Thanks so much for linking up to tip-toe thru Tuesday.

  2. Love love love them! Adorable little pants, thanks for sharing!

  3. So cute! I love ruffles! And a seam ripper.:) It's probably my most valuable sewing tool next to my machine.:)
