It has been a busy holiday season in our home! We had family in town 2 weekends in a row! My parents came for Thanksgiving and my in-laws came the next weekend to watch my husband and I run our annual Jingle Bell Jog in town. We do it with a group from church for our Run for God class. Our son ran the 1 mile with my sister-in-law (who is an amazing runner! she did the 10k and 5k too!). She said he ran the whole way!!!! I'm so proud of him!!!
Since I last posted I took part in my very first craft fair. It was exciting!!!! I did more in sales than I thought and then I put what I had left in my Etsy shop. Here's some of what I had.
I had this brilliant idea when I was roaming through Joann's one day. They sell this grid-like material that's like those no-slip mats you put under rugs for $7.99/yd.

I bought 1/2 a yard and cut 12x12 squares from it. Then I bought some different colors and textures of yarn. I pulled out my handy dandy pom-pom makers and spent LOTS o' time in front of the TV making yarn poms. When I tied them off I made sure I left enough hanging to tie them onto the grid. It was pretty time consuming but I think they turned out soooo cute!!
Then I found these LED touch lights at the Dollar Tree and thought, hmmmmm, I can wrap some of that same yarn around this and have some dangling and it could be a cute little light to hang from the top of the locker. To me the black and white one kinda looks like an octopus. :)
I made a brown and pink one too.

I also bought some little plastic bins and painted them then put some yarn on those as well. These can be used to hold pencils, cell phones, etc., like so:

I did some pink polka dots on the brown one b/c I ran out of yarn.

So what do you think? I've put some of them in the shop if you're looking for a Christmas gift for a special middle or high schooler in your life!!! And if you say pretty please I might can make some in the colors of your choice! :) I can't wait to make some for my daughter someday!!! Hope y'all are enjoying this time of year!!! I just wish it were a little colder out here!!!!
Linking up to these great parties: Somewhat Simple, House of Hepworths, The Shabby Nest, Thirty Handmade Days, Tatertots and Jello
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